Curious about your next move in your career? Look at how you are evaluated

Years ago I remember interviewing one of the best business minds I had encountered, a leader in all three major business sectors in the US, and the truth he had to offer was really…

Curious about your next move in your career? Look at how you are evaluated

Years ago I remember interviewing one of the best business minds I had encountered, a leader in all three major business sectors in the US, and the truth he had to offer was really eye opening, especially for a person in the late 20’s and early 30’s like myself.

So, while I wasn’t about to be his apprentice, I didn’t hesitate when he asked me, what should I do if…”

What I recommended?

While it’s true that in the business world, the direction you go depends on what business you are in, or have joined, or are preparing to join, the most critical thing that you need to know if you are already in the business world is to understand how you should be evaluated.

As we begin our vacation season, where most of us will make career decisions to be tested, we should probably look at how we are evaluated, because if we don’t, we will choose the wrong direction and miss the most critical chance of success that we’ll ever have in our lives.

In this article, I’ll provide you the standard criteria that you should pay attention to, while considering other career options. So, whether you are in, or thinking about, the business world, where you could be in the next 10 years, you should look at this:

• Does this meet your professional aspirations and in particular, how do you take the culture and personality in this specific company to be evaluated as successful in your field/ingagement?

• What do you view yourself as and what do you want your brand to stand for?

• Does this company value its workforce in a very different way than many others?

• How do you engage your company culture in a way that you can develop better relationships with your employer?

• What do you need to do to succeed in your role, and do you see yourself developing new skills to get there?

• How does the culture enable you to thrive in your role?

• What type of technologies does this company support and is there much growth possible?

• Will this job allow you to change careers in the future?

While every job and opportunity is very different, it is important to consider these criteria above in a very broad stroke way, not on a specific basis about a particular company or specific role.

Next time you take on a new job or learn about someone pursuing a new direction in their career, don’t be too quick to be judgmental. Evaluate their aspirations in the business world. Let’s re-frame what we are saying in our minds to our future selves!

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