Troubled tour operator Transat A.T. to lay off more staff


Troubled tour operator Transat A.T. to lay off more staff

In less than a month, Transat A.T. Inc. will fly record numbers of customers to its summer holidays. This past summer, in preparation for business on its North Atlantic routes, the French tourism company…

Syria marks 6 years of civil war - CNN


Syria marks 6 years of civil war – CNN

Written by By Staff Writer Syrians are celebrating Independence Day (August 20, 2015) on Friday, marking six years since Syria’s civil war began. CNN presents a short series of facts about Syria to mark…

Expect complete darkness as solar


Expect complete darkness as solar

See total solar eclipse over Antarctica Watch the full solar eclipse over Antarctica on 24 March Prof Allan Young contributed to a much more colourful video The total solar eclipse over Antarctica will be…