Alberta Premier Responds to Teachers Strike with Economic Rally

Alberta’s economy is in a good place, Premier Rachel Notley says. In her speech at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, Notley said Alberta’s economy has rebounded since 2018, following a year in…

Alberta Premier Responds to Teachers Strike with Economic Rally

Alberta’s economy is in a good place, Premier Rachel Notley says.

In her speech at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, Notley said Alberta’s economy has rebounded since 2018, following a year in which the country’s economic uncertainty rattled Alberta’s once-battered economy.

“Alberta is back, ladies and gentlemen,” she said.

Notley took credit for Alberta’s “remarkable” recovery. Since 2016, the province’s unemployment rate has fallen nine percentage points to 12.3 percent in November.

The outlook for the province also looks promising, she said, with oil prices at a three-year high and the production tax rate at its lowest level since the oil boom of the 1990s.

“Canada will take that oil,” she said, “now that we have the technology and the infrastructure to send it anywhere in the world.”

Notley’s speech to the Calgary Chamber came less than a month after she launched the third phase of her “Alberta is back” marketing campaign.

The public school teachers’ strike, followed by unrest from teachers and parents, disrupted winter break in the province last month. But Notley said the province’s economy will grow at a rate of 1.6 percent this year.

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