Canadians’ actions on fossil fuels shape future

Written by By Eliza Bazzle, CNN Canada is on track to reduce its fossil fuel consumption by 62 per cent by 2050, the results of a study released this week by the Conference Board…

Canadians' actions on fossil fuels shape future

Written by By Eliza Bazzle, CNN

Canada is on track to reduce its fossil fuel consumption by 62 per cent by 2050, the results of a study released this week by the Conference Board of Canada say.

The report, “Communities, Climate and Energy,” highlights the country’s “unparalleled technological, financial, and demographic strengths that can help us transform our energy economy and leave the world better than we found it,” said one of the report’s authors, Roger P. Perl, in a statement.

“Our analysis and projections highlight three policy priorities as we aim to achieve long-term energy security for Canadians and a livable climate for future generations. First, Canadians must receive the appropriate returns on their energy investments. They can do that through increased development of renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives,” Perl said.

The study predicts that 1,484 megawatts of hydroelectric power will be needed for both heating and cooling in 100 major Canadian cities by 2050.

According to the report, all Canadians — especially those living in urban areas — will have to make energy-efficient, efficient use of existing infrastructure to ensure that supplies are available for growing populations in Canada’s cities.

Although a number of towns in Quebec and Ontario have limited room for expansion, Canada will require an additional 33 gigawatts of hydroelectric power to serve its increasing population.

While hydropower has the potential to save the nation significant sums of money in the long run, building new dams could pose environmental and economic challenges.

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